In the web-based installation, you can open old calculations directly with CubusExplorer. In doing so, a calculation with the same name as the last generation is created and the old calculation is automatically imported. In this way, calculations up to generation 5 can be opened.
Very old calculations
From very old calculations, it is possible to import parts of the calculation data manually. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Create a calculation with the current program generation. It does not matter whether you select “2D” or “3D” model in the general settings. This setting is automatically adjusted according to the imported structure.
2. Click the next button on the “Structure” tab:
3. Select the calculation you want to import. To do this, select a “.sin” file in the “INP” folder.
4. You can also import the loads present in this calculation by following the same procedure. To do so, go to the “Loads” tab.
5. Import all desired loads of the same calculation, also in the “INP” folder, by clicking on the marked button. A separate load file is created for each load. These load files have the extension “.lin”. You can mark all desired loads together and import them. Note that STATIK has already generated an “own weight” load with the import of the structure, so it should not be imported again.
6. Save the calculation.
7. The structure and loads have been imported completely. If you notice that, for example, some loads have not yet been imported, repeat step 5.
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