To generate traffic loads, the program has a specific tool. To use it, we will create a new load hypothesis of type “Load generator” > Generator type “Road traffic” > Category “Model Q” or “Model q”:
The dialog box for defining the loads, shown below, will open automatically after pressing OK:
These parameters are in charge of defining the different virtual lanes according to the following scheme (which can be found on page B-72 of the STATIK manual) and can be adapted to your needs:
This tool forces us to assign the loads to “Structure lines”, as we can see in the first field that appears. Subsequently, it will be enough to point out (with the little red arrow) the “structure line” on which the load is to be applied.
IMPORTANT NOTE 1: In order to have the action categories “Model 1 Q (TS)” and “Model 2 q (UDL)” it is necessary to define our structure as “Road Bridge” in General Options.
IMPORTANT NOTE 2: When working with traffic loads, STATIK uses the concept of “Set” of actions to combine them. Selecting “Model 1 Q (TS)” and “Model 2 q (UDL)” is indifferent for the purpose of generated loads, but the program needs it to combine the actions automatically due to the existence of different combination factors.
When we define an envelope in which these loads come into play, we see that they are grouped together in an “Ensemble”:
The first time we define this envelope we must double click and give value 1 to the “action groups”:
In this way the program will internally combine the loads generated from both actions.
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